Candy for AppFuse is developed and tested on Eclipse IDE 3.2.2 running on a Java 5 JDK.
At this point, there are no other dependencies than the Java Developer Tools (which anyone using eclipse for java development should have installed) and Java 5.
Why a JDK?
An SDK is required so maven can satisfy the dependencies of the libraries used in AppFuse.
In some versions like Java for Mac OS X, the default java runtime used already is a JDK, so you won’t need any extra step. This is also the case for some open source implementations. If you are on Windows, however, you will need to tune your eclipse installation.
How to launch eclipse with an JDK
This one comes from the forums:
Please check if java.home in configuration details (Help | About | Configuration Details) points to a JDK directory. If not, add the following lines to your eclipse.ini: 
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\bin\javaw.exe 
Please note, these are separate lines, not word wrap!
Obviously, you have to adjust that path to match the location of your JSK.
Thanks to Uwe Kitzmann for providing the answer.
  for AppFuse